quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009

Entre a linhamorta e a linhachegada -- no acaso, quase lá!

"We are not what we dream. We are what we do, and all we have is action, and we can only really learn from experience. So if we can only learn from experience, what use is all this knowledge? (...) And so as you go out into the world, be aware of those inexperienced fools who offer easy, exotic solutions to painful and complicated problems. Do your best to learn from all your experiences, not just the sting of your failures, but also from the joyful accidents that will occur along the way."

Wayne Coyne, profeta e futuro líder mundial - ah, sim, e também vocalista do Flaming Lips -, num discurso de formatura que incluiu água-viva, tequila e outras estranhezas.

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